If you are looking for an environment that encourages independence and a healthy lifestyle for older adults then salemtowneportal.org is probably where you should be. If you are already part of this active community for older adults, then you would need to login to access to the community related activities and posts.
As a resident you will have a user name to login to the community portal. If you have the user name, then click on the below link to access your resident portal:
How to use the portal to login?
Upon clicking the above link, you will be presented with the below screen.
As you can see the screen has the current date, the time and the provision for providing your username and password to login to the account.
You can either provide the username, if you have one or use the email address that is registered with the Salemtowne community to login to the community website.
After providing the username or the email address, the next step is to key in the password that you had initially created with the account. After giving the password simply click on the tab marked as “Log in” t get into the portal of this older resident community website.
What if I don’t remember the password?
If you don’t remember the password, then all you need to do is reset it by clicking on the link given below the “Log in” tab. Refer to the circled portion in the above image for reference.
When you click on the “Reset your password” link, a new random password will be generated and sent to your registered email id. You can then use the same to login to the portal. We would suggest that you login and change your password immediately after this step for security purposes.
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