When you have medicare plans, you can now look at them, manage them and plan more for your health related programs through the medicare online portal. The portal is quite simple to use and it is from the United Health care.
Logging into the medicare portal
The below URL will take you to the medicare plans that you have bought and all other health programs that you are part of.
Click on this URL and you will be taken to the below web page.
On this page, you can see the provision for providing your user name that you have already registered with the medicare. You can also use the Healthsafe ID, created through other portals of United Health care to login to this portal.
After providing the username and the password, you can click on the “Sign in” button to get into the medicare account of yours.
If you are new to the website and yet to create a username, you can register for the services by simply clicking on the “Register now” option on the right side of the screen. By registering to the online account of Medicare, you will get access to different tools that will help you to manage your health plan and thereby your health well.
About United Health care
The objective of United Health care is to provide everyone with an easy and much simplified health care and insurance experience that will meet with the health requirements. There are different health care programs that will match the requirements of different individuals from different age groups and different segments of the society. With nearly a million physicians on contract and more than 6000 hospitals, they have the best health care service offered across the country. Medicare plans are among the featured plans of United Health care.
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