Nyelectricitysettlement.com – Get Your Settlement Done!

About Nyelectricitysettlement.com

Nyelectricitysettlement.com is the website that proposes the out-of-court settlement between North American Power & Gas LLC and its customers based in the city of New York at has been using electricity services on a variable rate plan during the period between February 20, 2012, and June 5, 2017.

According to the lawsuit filed by the customers of NAPG, the company has been making wrongful statements about its electricity rates. Thought the company has refuted these claims, it has finally settled to cancel the dispute by agreeing to an amicable settlement between the parties. By doing so, it wants to avoid the risk of a possible trial and the costs involved in pursuing it.

The website Nyelectricitysettlement.com provides all relevant details pertaining to this case and passes on advice to all the customers of NAPG, in the period between February 2012 and June 2017, to look into the finer details of the case and file for a claim settlement.

Through this website, customers can click on the Claim Form, fill it up, and send it online. However, for this, the customers need to make use of Class Member ID that has been provided to them. There are other options available to customers with regard to the case like Excluding Oneself, Objection, and Doing Nothing. The respective deadlines for each of these actions have been displayed on the website. There’s also a separate section for Documents and FAQs.

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