About Walmartwagestatementsettlement.com
The website Walmartwagestatementsettlement.com serves as an online platform for the employees of Wal-Mart stores to submit a claim with regard to their wage statements. The website clearly indicates different possibilities your settlement may fall into. For example, you may intend to submit a claim. For this, you can send an online claim. Also, if you wish to do nothing, then you’ll be bound by the settlement. Therefore, you’re not entitled to receive any payment that may come through the settlement.
There’s also an option to get excluded from the settlement. In this case, you need to provide a written election and the same need to be submitted on or before May 21, 2018. There’s also a provision to place your objection and explain why you’re not in favor of any settlement. However, remember that you’ll be bound by the laws of the settlement even in case the court approves it!
On Walmartwagestatementsettlement.com, there’s also a separate section for Claim Form. Users are suggested to read the fine terms carefully before they submit the form. If you have any questions or are unsure about certain procedures, you can always refer to the FAQ page on the website.
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