Rated among the largest retailers in the world, Walmart runs “the academy”, a training program that prepares the employees in multiple skills like sales techniques, management, motivational programs, merchandising, etc. The Walmart Academy card is issued to the associates in Walmart and it comes with many different features.
If you have a Walmart academy card and you are looking for information on how to check your account balance, statement, etc. then you just have to follow the process outlined below.
Logging into the walmart academy account
The below url will take you to the web page of the Walmart academy card login.
Once you go to this URL, you will find the below webpage displayed.
As you can see this webpage has the provision to provide your username to login to the academy card account. You have to provide your username given to the account in the space provided followed by the password in the next box. Once you have keyed in the necessary information click on the “Sign in” button and you will be taken to your account page.
If you are a new user, you can click on the account setup link below the sign in button and activate your online account. Setting up the account helps you to manage reimbursements, payments, and to view transactions and balances.
About the Walmart academy cards
The card makes paying for your training simple and convenient. But that is not all. The card can also be used for shopping at any online or retail stores. You can also use it to pay for your travel or at a restaurant. It can be used in any outlet where Visa and mastercard debit cards are accepted. There is no fee or charge levied on the card on a monthly or annual basis.
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