– We’ll Get You Home

When owning a home is high on your agenda, you need the services of a loan or mortgage specialist. In Connecticut, these services are provided to your satisfaction and within your budget by

When you visit the site, you’ll come across Full Application as well as Short Application. These applications need to be used by customers for processing their loan requests. The website clearly indicates the list of documents that are required for processing the loan; it also throws light on the exact process you need to follow once you’ve furnished all the details. For Short Application processing, all you need to do is provide details online and wait to hear from the service provider.

On, you’re also provided with the details of the service provider and the details of his licenses. Then there are separate links available for checking out Privacy Policy, Social Media Disclaimer, and NMLS Consumer Access.


Planet Home Lending is a home loan services provider in Connecticut. The company, managed and run by Michael Griswell, has been offering loans and mortgage services in the State for the past 29 years. He’s regarded as a specialist for first time home buyers and is self-employed. He can be contacted round-the-clock for all your loans and mortgage needs.

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