is a website which claims you can get a lot of extra income by being part of Section 1059 payouts. The website claims that 173 big companies in USA paid out billions using these so called “Section 1059” plans. The site lists out lot of people who made huge amount of money using these plans. The examples give a rough figure of more than $100,000.
If the claims are true, this can mean a second source of income for a lot of middle class households. The reason given for these big payouts is that US companies are storing huge amount of cash overseas. For, example according to Wall Street Journal, US companies have stashed more than $2.4 trillion abroad to avoid paying taxes in US. For example, Apple has $91 billion overseas, Pfizer ($80 billion), Microsoft ($108 billion). There are many such examples.
The website also claims that because of Trump Tax Break Plan, the payouts will become bigger overtime. Because of the amnesty plan, these companies will bring that cash home. These plans are being touted as sort of a investment opportunity and viewers are being advised to take action before Feb 15 2018.
Investors should do their due diligence before putting their money everywhere. To know more, go to and know more about how these plans work. We are not affiliated in anyway with their website.
I would like to know more about it. I am interested.