Flpayment.org – Get your Business Legally Complaint!

Flpayment.org is the company that helps businesses get a legally compliant, fictitious business name in Florida. What the company will do is work closely with the businesses interested in getting a fictitious name publish a notice of intention in one of the newspapers. This will be done primarily in the county where the principal office of the business is located. All of this has to be completed duly before a business decides to file the name with the Florida Division of Corporations.

How to get on with publishing the Florida Fictitious Name?

Before anything else, you need to visit Flpayment.org and click on ‘Florida Fictitious Name Publishing Payment Form’. Once here, you need to select the county in which your business’ principal office is located. Selecting your county is simple. You need to select ‘County’ in Sunbiz. Thereafter, if you select ‘Multiple’, you need to select the county in which the primary office of your business is located. In case your business does not have a physical location, do not worry. Just use the county in which the mailing address of your business is in. Once you’re done with all these steps, click on ‘Submit’.

Why choose Flpayment.org for your needs?

Whatever your complex issue is, the company is there to help you make it simple. Florida Fictitious Name Publishing has a well-established and wonderful relationship with several local newspapers in the State of Florida. As the company is able to provide publishing requirements in large volumes, the newspapers of the county are able to provide attractive discounts that are otherwise not available to individual businesses or parties. These savings are then passed on to you. Thus, you’ll not only have your business name in compliant legally but also ensure your savings.

The staff of the service providing company certainly knows which of the newspapers operating in the Florida comply with the county’s statue and will opt to publish the name of your business appropriately.

What is the process like?

The experts at the company will work closely with you in generating a legal notice. More details on this can be found on Flpayment.org. The legal notice thus generated will be legally compliant as per the fictitious name rules in the State. This notice will then be forwarded to a local newspaper in which the principal office of your business is located. An affidavit is then received from the newspaper that the notice has been published. The affidavit will also be emailed to you as a proof and for your business records.

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Dana Grimes
Dana Grimes

I’m trying to pay my $95.00 for my fictious name call me

Michael David Collins
Michael David Collins

I’m trying to pay to have my fictious name published.